About Lower Back Pain

The discs and facet joints are the two primary drivers for low back pain. Much research and surgical dollars are spent each year to affect these two structures.

Where Does Low Back Pain Come From

At Eastside Wellness Chiropractic, we come at this problem a little differently. Most of the time, we feel like the lower back is the victim, not the culprit. If the lower back could talk, we think it would say it's not my fault.Then, honestly, who is at fault for all the lower back pain? The culprits often don't tell on themselves because they don't hurt. They don't contribute the motion that they should or can't control the motion that they do have. This lack of motion and/or control control creates much more work for your lower back. Primary culprits for low back pain are feet, hips, and thoracic spine. Do you mean my lower back pain can come from my big toe? Our answer would be, absolutely.

How Does Eastside Wellness Chiropractic Treat Low Back Pain?

Sometimes, when patients enter our office, their back, thigh, leg, and foot are in 3-alarm fire mode, with tremendous pain. Our goal is to improve the function of the symptom-free culprits. In this case, the goal will have to wait for now; our clinical priority is reducing pain and symptoms. We have many tools to help put out fires: McKenzie method, Active Release, Dry Needling, joint mobilization, and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS), to name a few.

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