About Sciatica

Sciatic pain is an altered sensation down the posterior thigh and below the knee. Once below the knee, symptoms can continue down the back of the leg to the foot or wrap around the front of the leg to the foot.

Where Does Sciatic Pain Come From

Many possible scenarios will create sciatic symptoms. Sciatic symptoms can result if a disc is bulging, especially in the lower two discs. A narrowing in the spinal column, either central or at the neuroforamen, can cause nerve compression and sciatica. There is a condition where a torn disc can emit a chemical substance, which can irritate the nerve root and cause sciatica. A portion of the disc can tear and become separate from the disc as a whole, known as a sequestered disc. This can induce an autoimmune response, and scar tissue will be laid down, tensioning the nerve root. The nerve roots leave the spinal canal and become spinal nerves. There are many locations along the sciatic nerve as it passes through the body where the nerve can be entrapped. For example, deep external rotators of the hip and hamstrings. This is known as a peripheral neuropathy. There are also conditions where sciatic symptoms exist, but the sciatic nerve is not the generator of the symptoms. This is known as scleratogenous pain or referred pain. Specific muscles with focal hot spots can refer pain that will mimic sciatic pain.

How Does Eastside Wellness Chiropractic Treat Sciatica?

There are many potential methods to treat sciatic pain, depending on the driver or cause of the pain. Sciatic nerve flossing, Active Release Technique, and dry needling are used for peripheral neuropathy. The Cox Technique and McKenzie Technique are used for disc or spinal canal entrapment. Dry needling is effective for referred pain, especially when combined with electric stimulation.

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